Saturday, March 28, 2009

Maybe a few more pics

The places you go and the things you see....Hello Pigeon!

More Pics-What a great time!

St. Paul's, Children at the Tate etc.

Some Pics

Turning Out To Be A WONDERFUL Trip!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


WE HAVE BEEN HAVING SERIOUS INTERNET ISSUES. Everyone is doing great. The trip has been amazing and inspiring. When we get a good connection we will post images!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Here In London, Giddy London....

Well We are all here alive and kicking. The weather has been fantastic-nothing but sunshine and mid 50 degrees during the days. Crazy for March. That just means in a few days we'll be confused when it rains. Since the weather has been so great the masses are out in full. I have been to London quite a few times in my life and I have never seen this many people in the streets in March. Absolute Madness! The kids are loving it! When we finally take a moment to catch our breaths we'll post some pictures so you can see what we've been up to. Hope whoever reads this is doing as well as we are.